What is the Tech and Trades Academy?

What is the Tech and Trades Academy?

To keep manufacturing in America vital, the industry needs a workforce that is increasing in numbers and prepared to keep pace with advances in technology. This summer academy is designed for students, 12-17 years old, to support individuals in discovering their interest in trades and to encourage the pursuit of a manufacturing career. We will reach students at a young enough age when their career choice can be positively influenced, and their education can include the foundational training necessary to excel.

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What Will Your Student Experience

What Will Your Student Experience

Your student will experience technolgoy and trades by creating and building products. At our academy, they will virtually tour manufacturing facilities, learn about entrepreneurship and meet top industry experts. Campers will experience a safe, hands-on learning environment creating products with Computer-Aided Design (CAD), operating machinery under close supervision, and discover their future career in manufacturing.
Our Academy Mission

Our Academy Mission

The mission of CSI Workforce Development and Training is to serve to engage, nurture, and excite individuals of all ages in the pursuit of careers in manufacturing. We strive to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy.

Thank You to Our Career Academy Sponsors!

University of Idaho Extension Logo

2025 Sponsors

This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, NextGen Program.



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Our Promise To You


We have the highest standards of quality for our training to ensure our participants get the best training results without leaving the state.


Our connection to local businesses gives us a finger on the pulse of our community so we can provide real-world training to use immediately.


We hire top professionals in their field so our participants receive the most cutting edge, hands-on training possible.