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Aug. 20 Issue: 🎯 Share Your Biggest Challenges of 2024

As we find ourselves in the second half of 2024, it's a perfect time to reflect on the progress we've made and set our sights on finishing the year strong.

Read past issues here!

Mentoring Matters

We need to invest in people and be open to helping them navigate the challenges and struggles as they evolve themselves.
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The Big Six

The Big Six

A Gallup Poll found six college experiences that increase the odds of your future workforce being fully engaged at work. Mentorship and participating in an internship were both part of the equation, however the study suggests less than 22% of students get this opportunity.


ReThinking with Adam Grant

ReThinking with Adam Grant

Why Mark Cuban doesn't believe in following your passions.


Human capital at work: The value of experience

Human capital at work: The value of experience

At a moment when many workers are exercising greater self-determination in the job market, exploring mobility is particularly timely. To do this, we analyze a data set of de-identified job histories for approximately four million workers across the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and India.

The patterns within our data set show that moving into a new role pays off—and even more so when someone lands a new position that stretches their capabilities or better utilizes their skills. 


How to Keep Your Top Talent

How to Keep Your Top Talent

Throughout different industries and countries, and in both booms and busts, our findings were consistent: With startling clarity, they showed that most management teams stumble badly when they try to develop their next generation of leaders. Senior managers tend to make misguided assumptions about these employees and take actions on their behalf that actually hinder their development. In isolation or in combination, these mistakes can doom a company’s talent investments to irrelevance—or worse. In this article we’ll take a closer look at the six most common errors, and by highlighting what some organizations are doing right, we’ll show what can be done to correct them.


With So Many People Quitting, Don’t Overlook Those Who Stay

With So Many People Quitting, Don’t Overlook Those Who Stay

You are likely juggling two pressing needs: hiring to backfill people who have left and hiring new people to support business growth. The scarcity is real — too few people for too many jobs. The imbalance of this supply-demand highlights more than ever that productivity is about people.

The best way to stabilize your business is to stem the tsunami of attrition and increase your retention. In the frantic need to hire more people, the group we often forget to attend to are the folks who stay — those showing up day-in and day-out shouldering the work that needs to get done. Think about what these people — the ones who are here, working for and with you — need now. 


Forty Percent of employees stated that they are at least as likely to leave their current job in the next three to six months, twentytwo percent said somewhat likely, nine percent said likely, five percent said very likely and four percent said almost certainly.

'Great Attrition' or 'Great Attraction'? The choice is yours

A record number of employees are quitting or thinking about doing so. Organizations that take the time to learn why - and act thoughtfully - will have an edge in attracting and retaining talent.


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